Food is a basic human right—provide for you and your family when you shop our pantry.
Plan Your Visit
Food for Greater Elgin hosts a client-choice food distribution five times each week.
All households can shop once each week.
Please send only one person per household to shop.
If this is your first time shopping, know that there are separate lines outside for new guests and those with disabilities.
Children are only allowed in the building if they are carried or seated in a shopping cart.
Los niños no están permitidos en el edificio a menos que siempre se los lleve y, mientras están en el almacén, viajen en el carrito de compras. Solo un adulto por hogar puede ingresar al edificio.
Shopping Requirements
It’s free to shop at Food for Greater Elgin. However, all guests must:
Be a resident of Illinois
Bring identification at each visit (Examples of accepted forms of identification include driver’s license, passport, state ID, or consular ID card.)
Pick up food only once per week, per household
Bring your own bags or boxes.
By shopping here, you are attesting that your monthly gross income is within the guidelines established by the Illinois Department of Human Services (in your registration packet).
First-time guests must show proof of address. This could include one of the following: utility bill, phone bill, pay stub, bank statement, school registration paperwork, government-issued paperwork, car insurance bill, etc.
Other Resources
Food delivery is available for seniors who are unable to leave their home, twice monthly. Call (847) 741-0404 to get on the list!
Bulk ordering is available for low-income senior living facilities.
We deliver food to low-income housing projects with permission and assistance from management.
Our Proxy Shopping Program is for anyone unable to shop for themselves and who meets our eligibility guidelines. Call 224-242-3375 or email for details.
Our Community Resource Center provides important information about community resources available to you. You can visit the Community Resource Center or attend other scheduled programs even if you are not shopping.
Distribution time for seniors (60+) on Fridays from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Food distribution hours/ Horas de despensa
Mon (Lunes) - 5:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Tue (Martes) - 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Wed (Miercoles) - 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Thu (Jueves) - 5:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
*Fri (Viernes) - 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
*Only seniors over 60/solo personas mayores de 60 años.
Closed for the following holidays
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Labor Day
The day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Week between Christmas &
New Year’s EveNew Year’s Eve
1553 Commerce Drive
Elgin, IL 60123
For more information call: 847-931-9330

Sobre FFGE
Food for Greater Elgin es una despensa de comida donde el cliente puede elegir los alimentos y artículos para su hogar. Entendemos que las familias a veces enfrentan dificultades económicas, y esperamos que se sienta respetado cuando lo visite. Brindamos nuestros servicios sin cargo.
Todos los residentes de Illinois son bienvenidos.
Los nuevos clientes deben mostrar un comprobante de domicilio. Esto podría incluir uno de los siguientes: factura de servicios públicos, factura de teléfono, talón de pago, estado de cuenta bancaria, documentación de registro escolar, documentación del gobierno, factura de seguro de automóvil, etc.
Su hogar es elegible para la recogida de alimentos una vez por semana. Traiga bolsas de compras o cajas para su comida.
Cada vez que visite, debe presentar una identificación: los ejemplos incluyen licencia de conducir, identificación estatal, pasaporte o tarjeta de identificación consular.
En el futuro, es posible que se le pida que confirme que el ingreso bruto mensual de su hogar está dentro de las pautas establecidas por el Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Illinois.
Estamos ubicados en
1553 Commerce Drive Elgin, IL 60123
Para más información llame al: 847-931-9330