You believe in doing good, in serving the community, in making a lasting impact on the lives of the people around you. You don’t think anyone should go to bed hungry.

Neither do we: Volunteer with us.

First Time Volunteering?

Fill out your application here.

Returning Volunteer?

Log in here.

Are You a Student
Under 18?

Fill out an application here.

Court-Mandated Community Service?

Apply here.

Your Shift Options

Volunteers assist our guests through every stage of their shopping experiences. They help maintain our warehouse, they register guests, sort and repack food products, deliver food boxes, and provide support and a friendly face!

We need your help!

Get in touch! Use the application links above to sign up, email, or call 224-242-3371 for more information.

Hand & Heart Monthly Newsletter

Don’t miss out! Sign up to receive Hand & Heart, a monthly update from Food For Greater Elgin that includes special tidbits that we only share in email.

We respect your privacy and will never share your information.